My interest in diamonds has deepened, therefore, I myself have become a great treasure of a diamond expert. I would like to share my knowledge with you. Black diamonds, though fascinating and beautiful, require a little bit of thought in choosing the suitable one.
What Are Black Diamonds?
Black diamonds are genuine carbon stones, only colored black. This coloration may come from small crystalline impurities or some treatments carried out on the diamond. The first and real black diamonds are such a rare find that their prices may overwhelm you.
When we talk about black diamonds, we are actually referring to the ones with inclusions. They are the ones which either are black in color or have been colored black. The black diamond is very valuable as it is very rare. It is quite obvious that the majority of diamonds available on the market have been enhanced artificially, which in turn gives them their recognizable color.
Important Factors to Consider
1. Color
The grade of a diamond affects its beauty and the personality of the individual wearing it. I believe the role of color is highly significant in the distinguishing of a diamond as a high-quality one. Thus, one of the primary things I do when selecting the best stones is matching the stone’s shade. The best black diamonds are those with a perfectly black hue and a perfectly even blackness, which is why they are called “optic black”. Some only reflect a very dark grey color, almost reaching black. When selecting black diamonds, I never compromise with shiny ones, which are equally shining in their whole length.
2. Clarity
Previously, the safe practice was to join a highly specialized diamond with a black diamond, thus creating the blackest one of all. However, manufacturers have experimented with combining perfect stones with transparent ones, hoping to result in a new trend. While bright & fine diamonds usually come from the magma of kimberlite in which their clarity usually extends to the deeper layers. The rule of cleanness in producing black diamonds implies that the diamond should be opaque, and no light should be seen through it. Laser cutting used to make some diamonds, if they are not covered, get more scratches and imperfections. You should ensure that the stones that you buy must be satiny and seamless if you want to see them with the naked eye.
3. Cut
The diamond’s shape is an essential factor that defines its appearance. Typically, the black color’s quality and the form the diamond is shaped in is influenced by the factors of carat, cut, clarity, and the place of origin. The preferred cuts are ones that show off the beauty of the Loose Kite Shaped Black Diamond in an artful manner, like round, princess, etc., or they may occur in the form of the pear or oval cut as well.
4. Carat Weight
When it comes to the optics, Black diamonds appear to be thinner than one clear diamond that is even of the same weight and for the most part they look alike. This is why, normally, I would recommend going for a carat weight that is somewhat heavier than the stone that is needed to get the desired appearance.
How are black diamonds processed?
Black diamonds have to undergo various processes before they can be used in jewelry. Moreover, high-pressure/high-temperature (HPHT) and radiation are among the best alternatives. The composition of a diamond is characterized by (a) carbon : minor impurities and a : crystalline atomic structure even though it has been colored or not.
The word “raw black diamond” is associated with carbonado, a less commonly known variety which is a polycrystalline or amorphous graphite, carbon and diamond. For instance, due to its increased strength compared to a diamond, it finds quite a bit of industrial application.
What is the meaning of a black diamond?
Love will never end, and the Loose Coffin Cut Black Diamond control. They are, therefore, the most suitable black diamond jewelry.
It is intriguing to survey that black diamonds were always seen as magical talismans thought to be able to ward off evil spirits and purify the wearer of bad luck. These jewels of darkness were also in the past utilized as a means of communication between the
Intensity Levels of the Black Diamond
Black diamonds are found exclusively in one color intensity, which is fancy black, as opposed to all the other colored diamonds, which are available in a multitude of tones. You can only get them in one color, unlike a lot of other diamonds which come in many colors [2.
Black diamond shopping can be very satisfying, so if you decide to have a black diamond ring or buy a loose black diamond ring you should examine the 4C’s (cut, clarity, color, and carat) of black diamonds (like you would in the case of other diamonds). All these variables play an important role in valuing and giving quality to a black diamond.
Even though fancy black diamonds are not rated according to color and clarity as per the standard, one should make sure that the color is saturated and is of a very high quality. While examining the stone with your naked eye, make sure that there are no obvious flaws that can be seen by viewing it closely.
It is important to not overlook the shape factor in choosing a black diamond, which is definitely a matter of taste. Black diamonds are similar to colorless and other diamonds are alternative, and the shape of each stone is distinct, giving the varieties a different look.
Choosing the right metal for black diamond jewelry is an equally important factor in getting it right. Because [of] their incredibly impressive, powerful color, black diamonds give off a very stunning and eye-catching effect when they are set in 14 k white gold or any other white metal.
Certification is Key
To make sure on my part, I vow to myself not to buy anything until the diamond has been certified. It is the document that verifies that the diamond comes from the original source and it has unique characteristics. It is considered as the most important of the transactions.
Price Considerations
The prices of black diamonds differ substantially. Natural black diamonds that are not treated are usually cheaper. First, I plan for a budget before I start shopping, and this budget normally leaves me with fewer choices to choose from in the market.
Final Thoughts
Buy yourself a loose black diamond with our given factors such as color, clarity, cut, and carat weight, in mind. Understand the difference between natural and treated diamonds, and always require a certificate. Having these tips, looking for the one that you like and will be more suited to you is much simpler. You are not just purchasing a beautiful stone; it will be something you will keep with you for a very long period of time and is something to remember, too.
Black diamond trading sometimes may not look that easy, but with these given pieces of advice, you can identify the one which is really your one. Black diamond, a trend in jewelry, is screamed as a beautiful and unique choice for a gift. Enjoy hunting diamonds!